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(3 glasova)
nedelja, 15 jul 2012 20:11

Hotel Val Featured

Hotel "VAL" se nalazi u Baru, na samom ulazu u grad, na 100 m od obale, a na 800 m od novoizgrađenog sportskog centra "Topolica". U mirnom dijelu Šušnja, turistima je omogućen prijatan boravak u miru i tišini.


Šljunkovita plaža, duga dva kilometra, oivičena je borovom šumom. Mediteranska klima, morski vazduh i borova šuma, pogodni su u liječenju reumatskih i bolesti disajnih organa.

Hotel ponudom obuhvata 45 kreveta, kao i restoran kapaciteta 50 mjesta. Svaka soba ima terasu, kupatilo, telefon, frižider, a pojedine sobe imaju i klimu. Hotel raspolaže sopstvenim parking prostorom.

Hotel "Val" is located in Bar, at the very entrance of the city, 100m away from the beach and 800m away from newly constructed Sport Center "Topolica". Tourists can enjoy their vacations in peace and quiet at silent suburbia named Šušanj.

A pebble beach, two kilometers in length, is bounded with pine forest. The Mediterranean climate, sea air and pine forest are suitable in treating of rheumatic diseases and the diseases of respiratory organs.

Hotel offers 45 beds and a restaurant with capacity of 50 seats. Every room has its own balcony, bathroom, telephone, fridge and air conditioner. The hotel disposes with its own parking area.


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Additional Info

  • Mapa:

  • Grad: Bar
  • Kontakt:

    Adresa: Ul. Mila Damjanovića b.b., Bar
    Tel:  +382 30 353 584 , Fax: +382 30 353 584
    Mob:  +382 67 206 603 
    E-mail: hotelival@t-com.meOva adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.

Last modified on četvrtak, 08 novembar 2012 13:57
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